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1. Page/Post Title – Use Short and Meaningful Titles!
When internet users or bots visit your webpage, the very first thing that comes to notice is simply the title of your blog post or page. It is important that you understand that the titles of your blog posts or website pages matter (a lot) when it comes to On Page SEO. So, you need to make sure that your blog post titles should ALWAYS be unique, striking and should also include the major keywords or keyphrases of the page or post. Do try to make the titles short and meaningful. SEO experts recommend using titles that have less than sixty (60) characters. Stop recreating the wheel and try and stick to whats tested and proven to gain results.
2. Your Post URLs/Permalink Should Be Optimized
Since search engines have been designed to present search results based on URL; so it is important that you pay quality attention to optimizing your post permalink or URLs. Optimizing post URLs or permalink may sound like Greek talk for any newbie webmasters or bloggers. For instance, if your blog post appears like this,
You should make sure that you include your keyword into your URL. It is always a great idea to customize the URL of your blog or webpage instead of going with a random permalink. If you are using WordPress, changing the permalink is a piece of cake. Simply visit the page “Settings” tab labeled “Permalinks” and carryout the necessary changes. The well known format is /%blogpostname%.html – this comes highly recommended by On Page SEO experts, because it is simply and search engine friendly.
3. Interlink Inner Page
When it comes to on page search engine optimization practice, one important point that many bloggers have taken note of is the practice of interlinking the articles that they write with the previous articles that they have written. You can interlink 2 to 5 articles and ensure that these articles are related with the post. Making a practice of interlinking your blog posts will help you to boost your page views, build your position in search engine results and would help in reducing your webpage bounce rate. Interlinking your webpage will make visitors that come to that page navigate around your site and also help them to find and (possibly) read your entire site’s content.
4. Utilize Your Major Keywords
There is absolutely no doubt that keywords are very vital when it comes to taking advantage of the benefits that On Page SEO offers. If you write top notch articles without utilizing or repeating target “keywords” or “Keyphrases” in relation to a particular niche, then you are simply wasting your valuable time. It is of the utmost importance that you DO NOT stuff your articles using too many keywords/keyphrases over and over in your articles.
It is simply considered as negative search engine optimization – as a matter of fact, the search engine bots will IGNORE your posts and may even result in penalization! Endeavor to make use of the appropriate amount of keyword density, which is typically 2 to 5 percent in one article. Top bloggers recommend this On Page SEO technique as it helps to boost page rank. I am a top blogger and can assure you it works! You do not want to end up in the infamous Google “sandbox.”
5. Use Meta Description
All search engine bots ALWAYS check an article’s meta description. Believe it or not, but these descriptions play a vital role when you use them on your webpage. So, make sure that you also include the relevant keywords used in your article(s). Visitors and search engines use meta descriptions in order to find your webpage in searches. Do not underestimate the power of using meta descriptions. If you do not use them, then the Google bots will simply pick keywords at random from your content’s first paragraph.
Important note: A meta description should not be more than 160 to 170 characters (this includes spacing).
6. Make Use of Meta Keywords
In order to ensure that you optimize your blog posts or website content, then you should also consider using good meta keywords (also called “meta tags”). Make sure that the keywords are relevant to the content that you have written and select the keywords that people typically use. Use short keywords, because Google no longer uses longtail keywords (3 to 5 keywords) for its ranking. You can still use longtail keywords on other search engines.
7.Utilize Header Tags
Another effective On Page SEO technique is the use of main lines and main keywords in header tags like H2, H3… It will make your posts much more attractive. You can use the header tags in order to highlight the main and sub heading of your posts, so as to help visitors to find your content readable and attractive – and again, search engine bots lookout for headings. For your content’s main title, make use of H1 tags just once and ensure that you use vital keyword(s) in it. Do not develop a habit of repeating H2 and H3 tags over and over using the same keywords.
8. Images Must be Optimized
Believe it or not, you can use images in order to drive traffic to your website or blog. Every single minute, tons of people conduct searches for images on top search engines like Google – so, if you are interested in getting free traffic, optimize your images NOW! For instance, if or when you download an image, and it is like 134789.jpg, IMG45623 or DCS77759. By simply altering the name and using something such as iPad-4-iOS-6.jpg or using anything that is related to your content, it would make it readable to both internet users and search engine bots. Be sure to also add alternate tags in order to boost the image’s “searchability” for instance <img src=”iPad-4-iOS-6.jpg Alt=” Top-iOS-6-in-World”> .
Please note: There is also no doubt that text based content can work brilliantly; however there is something about screenshots, videos and images that make people want to stick to your webpage like white on rice. Please note that Google might even use time on webpage as a rating signal. Keep your readers occupied as long as possible by providing them with an irresistible media-rich experience.
9. Use Bold or Italics and Sometime Underline to highlight Keywords
You can make use of bold, italics and/or underlined styles in order to highlight vital phrases and keywords in your content – doing this will arrest the attention of search engine bots. You can also make use of these highlighted texts in order to attract the attention of your target audiences.
10. URL Canonicalization
The major purpose of URL Canonicalization is to simply optimize a webpage’s URLs to stop duplication. If your webpage can be accessed with or without using www (world wide web) then there may be a problem here. Both the www version and the non www version of your webpage may be treated as duplicate content by a search engine. WordPress users can tackle this issue by simple navigating to the General Settings Page, type-in the full name of their blog with or without using www, then save the settings. But for those using a different blogging platform or software, they will need to learn how to Canoncalize their URL. Why? A search engine will typically treat these webpages and mark them as duplicate sites , and this is certainly not good for search engine optimization.
11. Length of Post
When writing content or articles for your webpage, it is highly recommended that you ensure that your post is SEO-friendly and should be about 2,000+ words long. You need to know that the length of your post also matters when it comes to On Page SEO. Search engines are drawn to quality and unique content, of ideal length.
I’ve seen studies where the average first place ranking for articles is over 2,000 words so the ideal length for a long term article (one where you want to rank and not just a simple update) should be over 2,000 words.
In the study below (posted also on Ultimate On Page SEO Techniques You MUST Know! )the average for the top 10 results have MORE than 2,000 words (more around 2,300 – 2,400 words)
Seriously, can you actually cover any topic comprehensively with just 350 words? Now, this is the gotcha, “Google knows that as well!” So, if there is a really tough keyword or keyphrase that you desperately want to rank, then you should make sure that you create a minimum of 2,00 words of top notch content.
12. Keep Updating Your Posts on a Regular Basis
If you create a website that is absolutely great and has a lot of interesting content and categories, but you fail to update it on a regular basis; then you will come to the sad realization that people no longer want to visit your website. Updating your webpage is also a very important aspect of On Page SEO. There are just times when you may feel too lazy to write; so instead of failing to update your webpage, simply hire a freelance writer to get the job done – that way, you can still continue updating your webpage without missing a beat. You can choose to update your webpage 3 or 4 times in a week. No one wants to waste their time re-visiting a webpage when they are sure that there are no new posts.
13. Linking – Go for External Outbound Links Instead
Everyone who earns their daily bread on the internet knows that linking is also a well known SEO key used by many top bloggers to boost their searchability online. It is all well and good if you choose to build links with external sites through guest blogging, leaving comments and several other methods. This will also help in boosting your webpage’s visibility in search engines and other webpages. Link up with trusted websites in order to help you gain credibility and to also improve your Page Ranking too.
There is nothing on the planet that screams “Spammy Affiliate Website” like the lack of outbound links to other websites within your niche. Keep in mind that top search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo want to send internet users to content that tickles their fancy. Translation: send readers to other people’s webpage or content. Do not be greedy by hogging the entire PR for just you and yourself alone. Send some of those good PR to other websites that your visitors will find really helpful – particularly, authoritative websites.
These days, social sharing is simply a mark of quality; however, it is not a very vital ranking factor when using On Page SEO. But, you should ensure that you make the effort to place social sharing button in noticeable areas of your webpage. You would actually be surprised at how many people are eager to share your content when you place the social sharing buttons on your webpage.
Important note: include rel=”nofollow” in order to stay away from bad links.
14. Keyword Research
Prior to writing or posting any content, you must make sure that you take the time to do a proper keyword research. Using the right keywords HAS ALWAYS been one of the very best On Page SEO techniques for ranking higher – including Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) will help you achieve better results. Google uses LSI Keywords in order to gauge the quality of a website’s content. If you have written a lengthy post (as recommend in this post) you should ensure that you use LSI keywords within the body of the article. Google Trends and Google Adwords tools are well known and popular keyword research tools.
- 80 percent of unsuccessful searches are accompanied with keyword refinement.
15. Create Awesome Content
Creating awesome articles will no doubt help you gain a large readership. If you have very unique writing skills, it is only a matter of time before you start reaping the rewards of all your hard work. Do not make the mistake of trying to copy other people! You should always make yourself standout with your very own writing skills and ideas. Remember, top bloggers are humans like you; so ensure that you have a webpage that others will also envy. Having quality content will help reduce bounce rate. Hard to read or outright boring content contribute largely to bounce rate. One way of ensuring that pages on your website do not have a high bounce rate, simply ensure that you create easy to read content and a clean web design. If you do not know how to write unique content, you can always get a good writer to get the job done. There are lots and lots of good writers out there who will do the job at very reasonable rates.
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